Table of contents Solid-State Lighting #2’21

Market All-Russian Lighting Conference - 2022: a necessary reboot of the domestic lighting industry Standards On the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, which regulates the requirements for lighting fixtures and lighting. Methodology for choosing a model of lighting equipment Construction Extending the life of molded reflectors for UV sterilization Power supplies and systems, LED drivers Electromagnetic interference of LED drivers under control Ecology Is lighting a modern city possible without light pollution? Lighting systems and controls On the task of further ...

About journal Solid-State Lighting

First edition — 2009; Circulation — 4000 copies; Frequency — 6 issues per year. Solid-State Lighting journal is the first magazine dedicated to visual optoelectronics. This journal covers LED components, applications and innovative technologies in the solid-state lighting area. The volume of the Solid-State Lighting journal is more than 56 pages. The Journal is covering various aspects of solid-state lighting, including problems of growing light-emitting heterojunction wafers, LED packaging and LED-based devices, their measurements, and applications in various luminaIres and lighting ...

Светильники высокой габаритной яркости и приемлемые размеры теплоотвода

В статье рассматриваются различные методы снижения массо-габаритных параметров корпусов светодиодных светильников. Основная задача, требующая решения, — обеспечить приемлемые технические и коммерческие параметры светильников большой мощности для вышек стадионов, морских портов, объектов железной дороги.