We invite authors of technical articles to cooperate. Any person, both an experienced and a novice author who wants to share his knowledge, can publish an article in a journal in the Solid-State Lighting journal
Postgraduate publications are free.
Rules for the preparation of manuscripts submitted to Solid-State Lighting journal
The journal accepts for consideration only materials that have not been published anywhere before. Manuscripts of articles are accepted in Russian and English. Materials are accepted only in electronic form. All authors are responsible for the content of the article.
Article structure
- Name
- Full name of the authors, place of work, e-mail
- Abstract 200–250 words. An abstract is metadata that is published on the site separately from the article in the public domain, which allows you to assess the need to study the article itself.
- Keywords in Russian and English, not more than 10–15 words, are also metadata. The words themselves may not appear in the article, their purpose is to accurately define the research area of the publication.
- UDC articles
- The structure of the article in the format should include:
- Introduction (Introduction): for experimental work — the exact formulation of the scientific problem being solved; for reviews, the purpose of the review; for theoretical work, the statement of the problem, for which the exact formulation will be given later in the article.
- Methods: for experimental work — such an accurate description of the installation that any reader can repeat the experiment, for theoretical work — all the main techniques and methods of solution that allow the interested reader to obtain the final expressions for himself; reviews do not require a method definition.
- Results (Results) — all major new scientific results should be indicated.
- Discussion or conclusion (Discussion) — it is necessary to analyze what new results give for a given field of science, what is their relationship with the current theory.
- Bibliography.
- On a separate page are (in English):
- Article title.
- Names and surnames of the authors (as in the passport).
- The official name of the place of work.
- Abstract and keywords.
The procedure for working with the editors and reviewing
With a positive opinion of the reviewers, the article is edited and sent for layout. The editors do not agree with the authors on changes and reductions in the manuscript that are editorial in nature and do not affect fundamental issues.
Article formatting
Making the list of authors
First name, then last name. If the team of authors includes employees of different institutions, the place of work of each author should be indicated with a footnote next to the author’s last name. At least one author must have an e-mail address for correspondence.
Design of figures, tables and formulas
Tables, illustrations (drawings, photographs) and captions to illustrations are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. The title of an illustration or figure is written after the number of the table or figure.
All columns in the table have headings and are separated by vertical lines. Shortening of words in tables is not allowed. If there is one table in the text, numbering is not required.
All tables must be typed in Word format
Preferred image formats: jpg, png, tif, tiff, pdf. Raster images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The original drawings must be attached as separate files. For vector images, it is desirable to attach the original in vector format. Graphs created in MS Excel can be transferred in a MS Word document along with the text of the article. Please note that if drawings are used from other sources (for example, the Internet), the author of each drawing should be indicated.
Formulas in the manuscript of the article should be typed in the MathType program. Articles with formulas typed in the new built-in Microsoft Word (Word 2007-2016) formula editor EqEd are not accepted. Articles are submitted in the format doc or docx of the Microsoft Word editor that was created — conversion from one format to another is not allowed. The doc format of Microsoft Word 2003 is preferred.
Abbreviations Used
The introduction of new terminology should be avoided. The terms, units of measurement and conventions used in the work should be generally accepted (physical quantities, units and designations should be used, in particular, those adopted in the International SI system and the International Lighting Dictionary (M.: Russian language, 1979), Reference book on lighting engineering (3 ed., 2006) All designations used in the article (with the exception of well-known constants like e, h, c, π, etc.) and abbreviations should be defined at the first appearance in the text.
Making a list of references
As a source of data, it is preferable to indicate publications in the scientific literature rather than reports from individuals or organizations.
It is undesirable to give references to publications that are difficult to access for the general reader (for example, to the proceedings of student and departmental conferences). Links to material from the Internet should indicate the date of the last access to the material.
Bibliographic references are drawn up taking into account GOST R 7.0.5–2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for drafting.